Where can you find a cross between Louis Armstrong, Justin Timberlake, Ozzy Ozbourne, Artie Shaw, and Charlie the Unicorn? Why, marching band of course! Marching band members are a breed of their own. Band kids are so unique that even my own band director told us, "Never permeate the species," when it came to dating drummers. Naturally, a number of stories would result with such a mix of people.
Quite obviously, band camp stories are eminent. From a massive water-gun fight to "Ghetto" day, there was never a dull moment. With my band, it was always a tradition to have senior wills around a bonfire the last night of band camp. Here are a few of the testimonies:
"I used to hate marching band...now I don't hate it as much."
"I don't know you, but I love you!"
[tenor speaking to his fellow snare] "I really used to hate you - like last year. I had a really sh- [glances at director] poopy car, and then you crashed into it. Now, we're really good friends."
[Note: be aware that not all testimonies are coherent.]
"If I had stuck with basketball, could I have been the greatest?"
I recall the days when a friend and I decided porta-potties were disgusting, so we went 15 straight hours without a bathroom break. I remember discussing the awkward males who, after marching with a DCI corp all summer, decided it was okay to go shirtless. Later in the season I was subject to seeing sousaphones attempt to catch footballs in their instruments only to utterly fail, dent the horn in the process, and have the director severely scold them. Speaking of directors, there was one night when mine was so completely ecstatic over the run-through we had just preformed that he ripped the railing off of his metal podium and threw it into the night sky almost wiping out the entire pit section completely. There were the bus rides full of Egyptian Ratscrew games, Spanish dialogue and singing, breakouts of Disney song, and playing the wholesome game of "Would you blank my blank?" (ex. Would you shine my trumpet?).The author of this blog was able to find a few stories of her own including a kid who asked a friend to lock him in a tuba locker overnight. If you have any band confessions or stories, feel free to leave a comment. We could all use a laugh every once and a while.
[For those who don't know who Charlie is or why he would go to Candy Mountain.]
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