Monday, November 3, 2008

Purdue Preview

After much deliberation, the "All-American" Marching Band has decided to bring the "Detective Show" performed last weekend to Michigan State. Originally, the band was going to perform "Dancing with the Band" (the show featuring "Boogie Down," "Dance Medley," 1941's "Swing, Swing, Swing," and drum sets taking the field). While at first a disappointing change of plans, there was good reason behind the decision. The following is a summary of an e-mail update explaining the show switch sent out to the marching band:
1. MSU is having its "Senior Day" this Saturday and the show must be cut to five minutes long. The slaughtered version of "Dancing with the Band" would only be a ghost of the exciting show that was performed at the Penn State game. Much of "Detective Show" can still be kept, except for the omission of "Live and Let Die."
2. A semi-truck would have needed to be rented to transport the drum sets. If it were to rain, the drum sets could not be taken onto the field. The money needed to rent the truck would have put a large and unnecessary dent in the budget (with a 60% chance of rain on Saturday).
3. "Detective Show" could be perfected since it is fresh in the minds of the band and be performed at a phenomenal level.
4. The band would have more time during rehearsal to perfect the revised pregame.
While much of the band, including myself, was intent on seeing the swing show come to life at Michigan State, "Detective Show" seems to overwhelmingly be the better option at this point. In order to fit within the time constraints, the band will omit "Live and Let Die," as previously stated, scratch the first half of the medley and go directly into "Detective Vamp." The ending of the show will remain the same except for the final drill. The band will come off of the field while playing the last strains of the medley instead of the traditional "Hail Purdue." Despite the last minute changes, this weekend will still prove to be a great one for the Purdue band program. Come out and support the Boilers and the "All-American" Marching Band at Michigan State this weekend. Let's bring home another win - Boiler up!

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