The Blue Band drum major flip definitely is one of the best marching band traditions I've seen. It was started in 1971 was one drum major was uncomfortable about tossing his mace into the air. Instead of flipping his baton, he flipped himself. He continued doing back flips when the crowd absolutely loved the routine. When a new drum major filled the position

is not the only Blue Band tradition. The term "Blue" in the name came into being in 1924. When the band was first started in 1899 with six members, the band owned khaki uniforms. In 1923, blue uniforms were bought for the band. In 1924, a group of band members in the new blue uniforms formed a block "S" with khaki-wearing members surrounding them. From that day on, the band became known as the "Blue Band."

In addition to the information that can be found on their site, the band made a documentary which will air in November on public television called, "Making the Blue Band." You can find the official website and trailer for the documentary here. The following is the first promo for the show:
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