Ok, I'll recount a few NUMB traditions to get things started...Every Thursday at rehearsal, we have section dress up days...recent dress ups have included 'features i wish my uniform had' by the altos (for example, one of those hats with straws attached for consuming alcohol on the go). Anytime anyone says a word ending in 'er' ('or' and 'ar' often work as well), it is traditional to respond by saying, 'I hardly even know her!' For example: 'Ok band, take it back to the top of the closer.' Response: "Closer? I hardly even know her!" That's my fave...We also do nerdy cheers in the stands, such as the calculus cheer: '2 4 6 8, time to differentiate, d to the x to the x dy, d to the y dy. 3.14159, cosine, tangent, inverse sine, add an asymptotic line, come on wildcats, hold that line...segment!'NUMB traditions, no matter how nerdy, are carried out by approximately 143 members, with 104 being wind players. There are no auditions for the band except for leadership positions, drum majors, and drum line. Although a small band when compared to other Big 10 schools, Northwestern is able to produce a mature sound of well-blended instrumentation. Check out this video to see what the band is all about:
To listen to NUMB, check out their official audio site featuring the fight song, the alma mater, and the pregame sequence. If you're addicted to NUMB sounds, check out their new CD, "Push On!"
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