University of Toledo [dancing starts at 4:40]
Penn State Blue Band
Michigan Marching Band [dancing at 1:30]
Minnesota Marching Band [dancing at 0:25]
Enjoy the holiday!
Ok, I'll recount a few NUMB traditions to get things started...Every Thursday at rehearsal, we have section dress up days...recent dress ups have included 'features i wish my uniform had' by the altos (for example, one of those hats with straws attached for consuming alcohol on the go). Anytime anyone says a word ending in 'er' ('or' and 'ar' often work as well), it is traditional to respond by saying, 'I hardly even know her!' For example: 'Ok band, take it back to the top of the closer.' Response: "Closer? I hardly even know her!" That's my fave...We also do nerdy cheers in the stands, such as the calculus cheer: '2 4 6 8, time to differentiate, d to the x to the x dy, d to the y dy. 3.14159, cosine, tangent, inverse sine, add an asymptotic line, come on wildcats, hold that line...segment!'NUMB traditions, no matter how nerdy, are carried out by approximately 143 members, with 104 being wind players. There are no auditions for the band except for leadership positions, drum majors, and drum line. Although a small band when compared to other Big 10 schools, Northwestern is able to produce a mature sound of well-blended instrumentation. Check out this video to see what the band is all about:
The REAL definition of a Spartan Trombone:
: a sliphorn-playing member of the Spartan Marching Band. Can regularly be found at rehearsals, tailgates, and small keeps called the "Bone Haus" or "Bone Girl Haus." A Spartan Bone's diet consists largely of grain- and potato-based substances, Powerade, apples, and whatever Case Hall has on the menu. A highly social being, the Spartan Trombone enjoys gatherings involving large amounts of said grain-based substances, loud sing-alongs, and (providing an absence of concentrated CH4 emissions) the company of fellow Spartan Trombones.
The typical Spartan Trombone has many hobbies, ranging from group improvisations to testing the aerodynamic properties of various cafeteria foods. A particular joy is creating edible sculptures for the Spartan Mellophones, who, for reasons inscrutable to the Spartan Bones, do not much enjoy them.
The Spartan Trombones are considered Good Role Models by all others and wherever a Spartan Trombone leads, the rest of the band follows.
1. Musical Performance (individual and ensemble) - This judge walks about the field listening to how certain sections and how the band as a whole play blend together. Judges will listen for things like intonation, tone, rhythm, musicality, etc.
2. Visual Performance (individual and ensemble) - Judges will see if everyone is in step and will also view the show from the press box to see how clean the drill is.
3. Musical General Effect - Judges look to see if the music is played with dynamics and with emotion so that the crowd enjoys the show.
4. Visual General Effect - The drill should coordinate with the music to evoke excitement.
"Why do you do it? Your life would be easier without all those early morning rehearsals. The late night uniform repair. Frozen valves. Broken reeds. Marching rehearsals that just don't end. Rookies that just don't get it."Occasionally, my logical, purely scientific brother asks me what's so great about band. He constantly criticizes the music the band plays, the forms it makes, and even the uniform style. He can do this because he's never been a part of band or any musical organization for that matter. Band, especially marching band, is one of those activities that you cannot truly understand fully until you've been a part of it. Nevertheless, for those interested in becoming more educated on college bands, I've just come across this site entitled, "The Practice Field." It's a website dedicated to Big 10 bands learning about their fellow bands. The information is provided by members of the band and any information you feel needs to be added can be reviewed using the "submit" form. This is a good site to get a broad overview. However, some bands have not been updated for quite some time (i.e. Purdue's last update was in 2003). In addition to the information on bands, there is also a forum where band members can talk with other band members. I'm sure the administrators would not be opposed to fans joining in on the conversation as "anything is allowed." This website is a great place for cross-country friendships to be formed between band members and even between those left-brained engineering types. In any case, why should anyone put up with marching band?
"Why put up with it all? You wouldn't be the same without those Inside jokes. The not intentionally dirty, but actually quite dirty director comments. Friendships that thrive even after you've seen each other every day for a month straight. Free t-shirts. Free football games. And if your lucky, the free bowl trips don't hurt.
You love band, don't you... Don't try and hide it."
[The Practice Field]
Na nadada nananana MacarenaIt's that song we all love (or despise) and can dance to in our sleep. But what do the lyrics truly mean? Here's an even better question- what are the lyrics?!
Da danana danadadadana dada
Hum deedeedum dumdeedada Macarena
Hey- Macarena!
Dale a tu cuerpo alegria Macarena
Que tu cuerpo es pa' darle alegria y cosa buena
Dale a tu cuerpo alegria, Macarena
Heeeeey Macarena
[Los Del Rio]